Simon Says:
Be Yourself
In his latest book, How to Be Yourself: Life-Changing Advice From A Reckless Contrarian, our favorite living legend Simon Doonan drops “a survival guide for the new decade.” We asked him about, well, being himself.
Why this book?
Why now?
We are all obsessed with the idea of self-expression. This book is an attempt—through the lens of humor and culture—to drill down on what is actually involved in being/looking/loving yourself. As Iris Apfel said… “the worst fashion faux pas is to look in the mirror and not see yourself."

Of all the lessons and advice in this book, is there one that resonates with you the most?
I think the most important message I have is a sense of urgency. Don’t loll about twiddling your thumbs, procrastinating and making bucket lists. If you want to climb Everest or wear a blue stripper wig, then get right on it!! Life is short.
How do you pick your subjects? Soccer, drag, self- help...

Violet Chachki and Cristiano Ronaldo have a lot more in common than you might think. Both have drive, glamor and astonishing physical shape. I am interested in everything... as long as it's interesting.

Tell us about your writing ritual.
I can write anywhere/anyhow because I am one of those weird people that actually loves the process of writing. I love to research and then cobble it all together and then re-write and re-write. And yes, I sit on a Jonathan Adler chair, parked in front of a Jonathan Adler table, guzzling tea from a Jonathan Adler Macho Macho Mug. I am fully branded.